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Cataloxy Libertyville...Companies in LibertyvilleGreen Oaks Senior Living

Green Oaks Senior Living

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Find the best of senior living at a Spectrum Retirement Community. Find a location near you and request a tour today.

Nursing home, assisted living facility, retirement home

Green Oaks Senior Living of Libertyville, Illinois is here to help you or your loved experience a superior lifestyle that is perfect for your golden years. As a Spectrum Retirement community located in Libertyville, IL, we offer a wide selection of senior living and care services including independent living, assisted living, memory care and duplex-style cottages. We also provide our residents with the tools to continue their favorite hobbies or start new ones. Get in touch with one of our knowledgeable team members and discover how Green Oaks can provide you with the life you have always dreamed of.

Crowd: LGBTQ+ friendly

Redefining Aging, One Person At A Time.
Imagine a world where you aren’t defined by your age. At Spectrum Retirement Communities, we’re here to make that happen.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Green Oaks Senior Living in Libertyville you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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12 Dec., 00:51 Concierge   $30521 per year

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 Address: 14595 W Rockland Rd
60048, Libertyville, Illinois
Opening hours:
Mon — Sun:around the clock, no break
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nursing home, assisted living facility, retirement home
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