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Job Personal Trainers

ID: 1021740   0     Job is in archives

Personal Trainers, Libertyville

Salary range: $55681 per year

Summary information

Position: Personal Trainers
Published: 12/28/2024. Relevant to: 02/03/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
Company: StretchLab
  Job from partner
Job is in archives

Description of the job

StretchLab is seeking personal trainers, massage therapists, physical therapists, and dance/yoga/Pilates Instructors to join our team. This is an amazing opportunity to gain experience in a new modality that is taking the fitness industry by storm that also provides competitive pay rates.

StretchLab is the industry leader in offering one-on-one assisted stretching. With Co-Founders coming from the Personal Training industry, Stretch Lab has created a variety of offerings to empower clients to ‘Live Long’. StretchLab has gathered a team of experts already certified in an array of related fields including physical therapy, chiropractic medicine, yoga, Pilates, and more. StretchLab prides itself on having the finest team of stretching professionals. StretchLab’s proprietary flexologist ™ training ensures that their client’s receive a world class stretching session. Enjoy a position where you can make an impact and work in a positive environment.

Our Flexologists will provide one-on-one assisted stretches as well as lead guided group stretching classes for our clients.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Deliver one-on-one assisted stretch sessions as well as group stretch classes for up to 6 clients
  • Encourage and motivate clients throughout stretch sessions
  • Build StretchLab membership and retain current clientele
  • Ensure safety of clients in regards to proper stretch techniques and enforce StretchLab policies and safety rules
  • Attend staff meetings and required educational presentations
  • Handle member concerns when applicable
  • Assist sales associates and General Manager with studio tour and sales as needed
  • Help create social media content
  • Clean and maintain all equipment in order to ensure it is available for client use at any given time


  • Love of boutique fitness environment is a must – passion for stretching, mobility and flexibility
  • Preferred background:
    • Massage Therapist
    • Personal Trainer
    • Physical Therapist
    • Pilates or Yoga Instructor
    • Dance Instructor
  • Experience working in a fitness/health environment where you providing hands-on training with client
  • Fitness certification required
  • Ability to create a positive environment that welcomes all people.
  • Fantastic communication skills and exudes empathy.
  • Must love connecting with people and have passion for helping them achieve goals.
  • Must have a professional work ethic, be reliable and adhere to our attendance policies
  • Must be available to go through our 3 day Flexologist Training Program, which includes 20 hours of online tutorials and 3 days of in-person/hands-on training (you will be compensated for this time)

About the company StretchLab

StretchLab offers customized assisted stretch sessions with certified stretch practitioners who are trained in kinesiology and other types of therapy. Details»

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